The Ministry of Health Zanzibar has said that it will continue to cooperate with the United Nations Organization that deals with children’s issues in the world, UNICEF, in strengthening health services in the country.
This was stated by the Minister of Health of Zanzibar Nassor Ahmed Mazrui when he had a conversation with the new representative of the child protection institution of the United Nations that deals with poor children in Tanzania who came to introduce himself.
He said that UNICEF works very closely with the Ministry of Health in helping pregnant mothers and children as well as other things, where they have been able to implement various projects to strengthen services in this country.
In addition, he has asked UNICEF to continue their assistance in the Health sector, especially the strengthening of basic services by providing them with equipment, medicine, with the aim of reducing maternal and child mortality.
He has informed that they will continue cooperation with the organization and continue to praise the great efforts being made to continue and appreciate their aid which has been supporting the Government’s efforts.
On her part, the representative of UNICEF in Tanzania, Elke Wisch, thanked the cooperation that exists in this country in different fields, including the health sector, and promised to continue the cooperation.
She said that UNICEF will continue with its mission to strengthen various services for the Zanzibari community, including strengthening the Health, Education, clean and safe water and environmental health sectors.