Chief Government Chemist Laboratory (CGCL) is one of the oldest laboratories in Zanzibar and East Africa as a whole with an age of over 100 years. It started as a small unit with three staff through the ministerial department to an Agency with forty-two staff. The Chief Government Chemist Laboratory Agency (CGCLA) serves as a referral laboratory in Zanzibar according to Laboratory Act No. 10 of 2011. The general objective of the laboratory is to provide quality and cost-effective laboratory services to all sectors in order to promote the health of the people and their environment. This can be achieved by the implementation of its functions that include analysis of forensic sciences, chemical and environmental, food and drug samples. Furthermore, carry out scientific research on subjects relating to its core functions. Currently, the laboratory has one building renovated which accommodates three laboratories. The operating laboratories are food, chemical, and forensic science. The plan is underway to increase the number of laboratory sections through renovation and extension of the remaining two buildings in parallel with the training of employed staff and procurement of laboratory equipment. For further details visit CGCL WEB SITE
