The Ministry of Health Zanzibar received Medical equipment tools from the Diaspora

The Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar through the Ministry of Health Zanzibar has said that it will continue to cooperate with citizens living abroad in the Diaspora with the aim of strengthening health services in the country.

This was stated by the Minister of Health Zanzibar Nassor Ahmed Mazrui at the Kitogani District Hospital when he received the aid of medical equipment and medicine for Tanzanians living in the American Diaspora worth three hundred thousand dollars which will be used in the Kitogani District Hospital and Mnazi mmoja Hospital in dental unit.

He has informed that apart from the help of Tanzanians living in the United States, they have also brought diaspora specialists in various diseases from Kenya, Lusoto and others with the aim of providing health services at the Kitogani District Hospital.

He has informed that the Tanzanian diaspora have not abandoned their country, they are helping in different fields, including coming to serve the people of Zanzibar, which will enable them to provide professionals from Zanzibar with them to learn and ask them to continue those efforts due to the opportunities they have.

On the part of the leader of Tanzanians living in the United States, Asha Nyanganyi has said that they have come with a team of doctors and nurses and other health professionals collaborating with experts from other countries who will provide various health services including heart, diabetes, laboratory services and other diseases.

She has informed that they will continue to support their country in providing them with various services including health and changing their experience to be able to serve the citizens of Tanzania.

The Doctor in charge Dr Lwanyumba  Joram Lwegasila of Kitogani District Hospital has thanked the Government through the Ministry of Health for the step of coming to the experts who have made it possible to help in providing services to the people as well as the specialists of the hospital to gain knowledge.
