The Ministry of Health Zanzibar has received the support of various equipment including medical equipment worth more than nine hundred and 20 million shillings from the Jiangsu Hospital from China to be used in Mnazimmoja and Abdalla Mzee Pemba Hospital.
The help has been received by the Principal General from Ministry of Health Dr. Habiba Hassan Omar and signed the handover agreement, where she said the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar will continue to value cooperation and aid from China that supports the health sector.
Acting Consul General of China Zanzibar Zhang Ming and President of Jiangsu Hospital, Dr. Shu Yusheng has promised that China will increase the level of aid to Zanzibar to support the government’s efforts in the health sector.
Jiangsu Hospital has been bringing a team of doctors to Zanzibar where until now it is the 33rd team of doctors providing services in Zanzibar.Hospitals.