The Ministry of Health Zanzibar through the Food, Drug and Cosmetics Agency will continue to control products that are not suitable for human consumption in order to eliminate various diseases including non-infectious ones.
Inaugurating the Second Advisory Board of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Agency ZFDA, Minister of Health Zanzibar Nassor Ahmed Mazrui has said that the establishment of the Board will increase the effectiveness of the work of the Institute in all aspects of the control of various products entering the country by being able to eliminate diseases various including non-infectious ones.
He has informed that Zanzibar, like other third world countries, still largely depends on many products from foreign countries, including food, medicine and cosmetics, so he has asked the agency to manage these products well so that they cannot cause harm to consumers.
He said that the existence of the Board is part of the implementation and strengthening of good governance in the health sector in this country in the areas of quality control, efficiency and safety of Food Products, Medicines and cosmetics as well as medical devices and various health technologies.
In addition, he said that the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar through the Ministry of Health in accordance with the Law on Food, Medicines and Cosmetics will continue to manage and control these products so that they cannot cause health harm to the community.
He asked the Board to manage and give close advice especially in this period to the Ministry of Health which has collaborations with private institutions in providing health services in this country following new health structures and methods including Regional and District Hospitals Unguja and Pemba.
For his part, the Deputy Minister of Health Zanzibar Hassan Khamis Hafidh has asked the board to work hard and with great competence so that the goal of improving the health of the people is achieved and to get rid of diseases caused by unsuitable products.
And the Chairman of the Board, Dr. Salum Seif Salum, has said that in strengthening the Board, they will ensure that they manage and be honest in the implementation of their work.